Gas heaters
Economical, rapid pool heating enables you to use your pool or spa when you want to.
We recommend and install the Astral Pool gas heater range. Features include:
Contact us for advice. See supplier's website for product details. |
Heat your pool in a few hours when you want to swim.
Turn the gas heater on Friday night for a weekend of swimming fun! Turn it off again on Sunday. Save by heating your pool on demand. |
The Astral Pool IXI Gas Heaters are the latest in pool and spa heating technology.
With its ultra-compact size, light weight and innovative design, the IXI heaters provide the greatest flexibility for the pool owner. The Astral Pool IXI Gas Heater is available in 2 sizes, 200MJ and 370MJ with a further option of Natural Gas or ULPG variants. |
Gas heating is the fastest and most economical way to heat your pool and spa. The HX gas pool and spa heater is the most low cost solution available in two sizes to meet your heating requirements. Made in Australia with electronic touch controls the HX heater is ideal for your heating requirements. |